

夏小可 -


  • 【出词/话题】
    • 每周一到周四,出词者将以循环的方式回复此贴A👉B👉C👉A轮流参与出词,并在接龙群里@下一位出词者。出词者需要在评论区标题写上日期如06.01(周四)以方便查询,并最好提供原文(标识中心词)和链接
    • 周五由不喜欢出词的同学选择话题/自行拟定主题用于周末的写作
    • 这些词语可来源于一段音频/视频/文章/帖子等等,我们遵循可理解性输入假说,尝试去挖掘与自己关联最深的单词作为当天的打卡
    • 目前我们只注重于Communication 3000,这些单词需要遵循以下标准:

      • 这个词在日常交流中有用吗?
      • 这个词是否有助于您的沉浸式理解?
      • 您之前见过这个词吗?您是否觉得熟悉?
      • 这个词对于您个人而言是否足够有趣?
    • 如果以上问题您的回答都是【是】,那么这个单词就值得花时间去记忆与学习


Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

夏小可 -



Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

夏小可 -

Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

夏小可 -
【06.12】(周一)in the middle of nowhere

A: Honey, of course I forgive you! I love you so much! I’ve really missed you. I was wrong to get upset over nothing.

B: I’m sorry I haven’t called or anything, but right after you decided you wanted a break, I was called up north to put out some major forest fires! I was in the middle of nowhere, working day and night, trying to prevent the blaze from spreading! It was pretty intense.

A: Oh, honey, I’m glad you’re okay! But I have some exciting news... I think I’m pregnant!

B: Really? Wow, that’s amazing! This is great news! I’ve always wanted to be a father! We’ll go to the doctor first thing in the morning!

C: We have your test results back and, indeed, you are pregnant. Let’s see here... everything seems to be in order. Your approximate due date is October twenty-seventh two thousand and nine, so that means that the baby was conceived on February third, two thousand and nine.

B: Are you sure? Are these things accurate?

C: Well, yes sir, they are.

A: What’s wrong? Why are you asking these questions?

B: This baby isn’t mine! I was away the first week of February at a training seminar!

A: I... I... no, it can’t be...

URL:  https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1w7411g7jn/?p=54


Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

夏小可 -
I was in the middle of nowhere last night, so I couldn't even use my mobile phone to message you

回复: Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

-多多 -
After a long hike, we finally found a huge waterfall in the middle of nowhere.

回复: Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

lirick -
when I was on vacation, I went to visit my friend who lives in the middle of nowhere

回复: Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

吴雨 -
When she woke up, she was scared, as she found herself staying in the middle of nowhere。

回复: Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

Tina -
Sometimes, I want to get in the middle of nowhere because I think there may be some beautiful scenes that others haven't discovered.

回复: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

lirick -
【06.13】(Week1 周二)difference between

People often ask me ( online, at work, in skatepark (nope 😂) ), what’s the difference between using type and interface for defining compile time types within TypeScript.


造句 : The  difference between my friend and I is that she is an outdoor person and I am a indoor type.


Re: 回复: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

SongYirui -
The difference between my friend and me is that he is allergic to seafood.

Re: 回复: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

夏小可 -
There is very little difference between the girls' and boys' opinions on this issue

回复: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

吴雨 -
The difference between these hairstyles is so tiny that I can not tell them apart.

Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

SongYirui -
Do agree or disagree with the following statement: The people in the past are friendlier than people today.

Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

SongYirui -
Friendliness is a precious personality trait that has been valued throughout history, from ancient society to the present. However, there is a growing trend of individuals living in isolation and engaging in online hostility, leading to claims that people in the past were friendlier than they are today. From my perspective, I believe that people today are actually more friendly compared to their counterparts in the past.

One of the reasons for this shift is the improved quality of education. Students nowadays are taught to be affable towards their peers. Both teachers and parents place greater emphasis on students' mental well-being. Through conversations and interactions with other students, they are encouraged to respectfully share their ideas and toys. This teaching approach helps foster deeper friendships among students and cultivates their ability to be more friendly. In contrast, in the past, when most people were farmers, attending school was not a common opportunity. Their primary concern was cultivating enough food to sustain their livelihoods. From an educational standpoint, human beings today exhibit more friendliness than their predecessors.

Another significant difference between the present and the past is the immense technological development. While it is true that some people may exhibit rudeness on the internet, they represent only a small fraction. The majority of individuals who use the internet engage in friendly conversations, sharing their cultures and unique life experiences. It is these friendly interactions between strangers that contribute to our society becoming a more amicable place to live in, especially when compared to the past. In earlier times, people found it challenging to exchange ideas with strangers, as their focus was primarily on their families. They didn't pay much attention to others, making it more difficult for them to engage in friendly conversations.

In conclusion, due to the availability of high-quality education and increased opportunities to engage in friendly interactions with strangers online, I believe that people today are more friendly than their counterparts in the past.

Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

SongYirui -
【6.19】周一选词 be awash with sth.
meaning: To have a lot of something, often too much
The sport is awash with money.
Chinese blogs and social media are awash with people trying out "white people food".

Re: 【2023.06】【英语造句写作专楼】

SongYirui -
【6.20】周三选词 spring chicken
meaning:(A "spring chicken" refers to a young chicken.) Used primarily in negative constructions to indicate that someone is no longer young.
年轻人、没有经验的人,也可以表示菜名,那 spring chicken 意思就是“童子鸡”。
“烤仔鸡”:roasted spring chicken。
When you reach 60,
you will be no spring chicken.
spring chicken.