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Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的类Unix操作系统,它主要用于基于Intel x86系列CPU的计算机上。这个系统是由全世界各地的成千上万的程序员设计和实现的,其目的是建立不受任何商品化软件的版权制约且全世界都能自由使用的Unix兼容产品。


数据结构 - 


树类:树,二叉树, 堆; 

其他: 图 

算法 - 

排序, 图,简易动态规划 



基础程序相关 - 赋值/表达式/变量;条件/循环/控制流;简易程序设计; 

面向对象相关 - 类/继承/抽象;函数/变量范围(Scoping);泛型; 

数据结构相关 - 数组/集合; 

其他 - 输入输出;递归(Recursion). 



数据结构 - 


树类:树,二叉树, 堆; 

其他: 图 

算法 - 

排序, 图,简易动态规划 


Welcome to the CircleCat Mentorship Program!

This page serves as your central hub for all things related to the CircleCat Mentorship Program. Here's what you'll find here:

  1. Onboarding and Training Materials

    • Access all the resources you need to kickstart your mentorship journey, including guides, policies, and tips to help you make the most out of this experience.
  2. Program Announcements

    • Stay up-to-date with important program announcements, reminders, and deadlines to ensure you’re always informed.
  3. Meeting Updates and Records

    • Log your meeting dates with your mentor. This allows us to track your progress and ensure you meet the minimum required number of sessions by the end of the program.

We’re here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to email us at wwang@circlecat.org.

Let’s make this mentorship journey a rewarding experience together!